Friday, August 23, 2019

COMPLETE - County Fair

County Fair Patch

Designed by: Sage

Order Info: Advantage Emblem S-0678

Associated Costs: $2 for the patch, cost of the fair

Plan It

The fair is in town! Plan a day to go. Do you need to buy your ticket in advance?.  What things are there to do at this fair?  Check the weather and plan for it.  What supplies do you need to take with you? Do you need sunscreen?  Bug spray? Sunglasses? Rain coat?

Our Little Scout Troop had a field trip to the Wilson County Fair last weekend. I didn't get to go to that one, but I did help plan it. I looked through the fair's website and their catalog, and checked out the prices for all the activities. I also kept a close eye on the weather, and finally decided it was too hot for us to handle that day. But instead, I went with my polycule a few days later, when the weather was cooler - but also rainier!

Do It

It’s time for the fair!   Go enjoy the fair with other Scouts or friends.  Bring your ticket, money, and anything else you might need.  Explore everything you can and ride whatever rides you want!
I made the trip to the fair with the three other members of my polycule, all of whom are also part of our Scout Troop. Me and Sarah bought ride wristbands; the other two didn't. And we spent most of our time there riding rides. Also eating junk food. And we did get to go through a couple of the barns. One was the 'Birthing Barn', where there were several momma goats and pigs and cows with their babies, and a horse and some goats that were pregnant but due any time. There was one horse that looked like she might be foaling that night; she looked so uncomfortable, and we bet that she would wait for closing, when all the people would go away, to have her baby.

I went on a lot of rides with Sarah, more than I thought I'd be able to handle. The hardest for me was one I thought would be the easiest - a big boat that rocks back and forth. Mostly it was fun, until it got to the very peak of its arc, and then the gravity shifting got to me just for the very top bit, four or five turns. The one that was the most fun was the Indy-500 ride, which I thought might be a little dull at first. But it went really fast, and you had to lean into the turns to keep from getting bumped around. I rode it once by myself and again sharing a car with Sarah. Both times were a lot of fun.

I was disappointed in the food, mostly. I had a chicken kabob that was really good, but also cost $8. I also had an orange snowcone, which was fine, but the one I was really looking forward to was the deep-fried Snickers, our favorite treat ever. The batter on it was great, but the candy bar was still frozen inside, and hard to eat. Deep-fried Snickers are supposed to be all melted and gooey inside the batter; that's what makes them great. Frozen is not so great.

Share It

Talk with your fellow scouts or friends afterwards.  What was your favorite part? What could you have prepared for better?  Did you get to see and do everything you wanted to?
One of my favorite moments was when Preston finished his funnel cake, and pretended he was going to dump his plate of powdered sugar on me. So I popped the plate from below, and covered him instead!
We definitely did not get to see everything we wanted to, there just wasn't enough time! Also, we did so much walking, and were really ready to go by the time we finished the midway. There was a pioneer village with smithies that we would like to have seen, and more animals somewhere, and probably a whole lot of other things. It would be better to have had a whole day, but we had fun with the part we did get!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

COMPLETE - Ocean Life

Ocean Life BadgeThe Ocean Life Badge came from an activity book from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Response and Restoration Marine Debris Program (wow, what a long name). It can be found at online at the NOAA siteIn our July Troop Meeting, we did several of the activities in our meeting, then took it home to finish it.

First we all worked on our own to do several pages. 
  • The Tons of Trash Word Find wasn't too hard; I got that one pretty easily.
  • The Types of Marine Debris was harder. I had to look at the answers for SIX-PACK and CRATE.
  • The Source of the Problem picture pick was easy. People are the sources of ocean trash.
  • Learn to Be a Drain Brain Secret Code was pretty straightforward too.
  • I liked the Sea Turtle Connect the Dots - sea turtles are pretty awesome.
  • How Can I Help Phrase Unscramble - again, not too hard - COASTAL was the hardest word.
  • Getting to the Trash Can Maze, well, I cheated on that one, solving it from the End to the Beginning, but it was still pretty hard. It sounds like other Scouts also struggled with it.
We did some of the activities together.
  • Cleaning Up the Beach Mad Libs was fun to do together, and it was silly.
  • Marine Match Up Memory Game was better than I thought it would be. Another Scout and I combined our memory game pieces and played with a double set, so it was a little more challenging.
We also watched some videos together about the ocean. This was an activity I led; I've been starting to lead more activities at our Troop Meetings.
And then the last thing to do was to take the packet home and color the three coloring pages, Diver Cleanup, Beach Cleanup, and Go Fish! I actually put these off for a few days because I found I kind of resented having to color them for some reason. I guess I'm not that big a fan of coloring after all. But I finally sat down to do them, because I want to get this badge. I started with the Diver Cleanup, and because I was cranky about it, colored pretty messily, but colored the whole thing. It's nothing special. For Beach Cleanup, I decided I would grab color pencils at random from my case, and would use every one of them. Making it more of a game made it more fun, and I enjoyed that one okay. I was still messy with it. For Go Fish, I decided to only color the important things, and leave everything else uncolored. So I colored the kids and the fish and frog, and their fishing pole and bucket.

So now I've finished my workbook, and can order my Ocean Life Badge!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

COMPLETE - Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Badge

Choose-Your-Own Adventure Badge

Designed by:     Paul
Order Info:     Advantage Emblem S-1695
Associated Costs:     $2 for patch, admission and supplies for adventures

For this badge, you’re going to go on at least four adventures. These can be hiking a trail, exploring a cave, sightseeing in a new city, taking a train ride, horseback riding, or anything else that you think of as an adventure. Complete all the SCOUT steps for each of the four (or more) adventures.

We had a weekend adventure epic in Chattanooga where we went to four different tourist attractions all in a row!
  1. Adventure #1 was Rock City.
  2. Adventure #2 was the Tennessee Aquarium.
  3. Adventure #3 was the Chattanooga Zoo.
  4. Adventure #4 was Raccoon Mountain Crystal Caverns.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

COMPLETE - Ageplay Pin (Badge)

Ageplay Pin (Badge)
Designed by:      Libby & Jack
Order Info: 
Associated Costs:             $8
Scouts who have earned the Legacy Ageplay Pin can add this badge.


S is for Self
Consider your ageplay ‘story’. Why does ageplay appeal to you? What role or roles do you play? Are you a little, a middle, a big? A babyfur, gerry, or ABDL? What is it that makes you an ageplayer versus someone who just likes stuffed animals or Disney movies? Journal about your journey, what you have learned about yourself, and how you ageplay.

Being a multiple-little is a bit different than being an ageplay-little. I don't play young, I am young. I can't stop being young and be an adult, even though I'm in an adult body. So that means some adjustment to this work to fit me. Instead of having 'how I ageplay', I have times when I am out and controlling the body, instead of one of the other alters.

I am one of the alters of Meronym. We share a 40-something female body. But I am a boy. I age-slide, so I am 8 or 11 or 14 years old. When I first showed up in the Meronym system, I was scared a lot, and very shy. Now I have a bunch of friends of my own, and I feel mostly safe and cared for at home with my family. My favorite things are Legos and Little Scouts, along with other things that I think are pretty typical for a boy to like. I'm learning how to do lots of things like paracord braiding and stuff. Most of the time when I am out, I like to be in my room and play by myself, but it's nice if someone's nearby. I don't usually do things with other people, unless it's stuff we do in Little Scouts.

C is for Create
Create a guide for those getting started in ageplay including your favorite resources (books, websites, etc.), props (stuffies, pacies, etc.), and clothing (diapers, onesies,hospital gowns, etc.) that help you get into your special headspace. This could be a poster, a book, a slideshow, or something else.
Create something that expresses your role as an ageplayer. Example: macaroni art, finger-painting, or a no-sew blanket for littles, pinewood derby cars or bead crafts for middles, a chore chart or a list of rules and responsibilities for Bigs/caregivers.
I've created a lot of things, especially while working on things for Little Scouts, like my scout sash, some hanky flags, a pinecone squirrel, a Build-A-Bear friend, a slideshow about how I'm queer, a bookmark, a yarn octopus, lots of coloring pages, some leather items, and more. After working on the braiding badge, I continued working on braiding. I had bought a box kit for making paracord bracelets, but didn't use it then. But I started working on it recently, and I really like the way the first bracelet turned out! 

But my favorite creations I've done - and probably the best fit for this step - are my Lego things. I did a Dino Park that's probably the most 'little-boy' feeling thing I've done. I used a small Jurassic Park gates build from Toys-R-Us, a T-Rex from a Minions set, and some other dinosaurs, and a tree from a Lord of the Rings set. I've gotten more dinosaurs and more Jurassic Park pieces since then; maybe I'll make a new Dino Park soon?

O is for Outreach
Pick at least three Outreach Items and do them:

  • Donate at least five (or more) small items to The Box of Awesome to keep it full.
I've donated dozens of things to The Box of Awesome - and I keep the Box and bring it to every meeting.
  • Volunteer to lead a troop event. Lead a craft activity, teach the troop how to play a new game, present our troop orientation, or manage an exchange of some sort for everyone to participate in. Work with troop leadership to schedule time for your event.
When we did our reorganization after our first year of Little Scouts, I presented our troop orientation.
  • Put together an Ageplayers Care Package full of goodies (example: crayons, stickers, a stuffie, a cup, a paci) and give it to someone new to ageplay.
  • Find and write to a penpal that does ageplay in another place.
  • Have an Ageplay Date with another ageplayer - do something appropriate to your ageplay together (example: build-a-bear, cereal and cartoons, coloring together). Several other badges & patches have activities that would qualify for this step.
When I earned my Build-A-Buddy patch, it was a full-on Ageplay Date with another Scout - we had a whole day at the mall together, with a carousel ride and a meal and the Lego and Build-a-Bear stores and Dave & Busters!

U is for Understanding
Do some research into how others do ageplay, and journal about what you’ve learned.

The other multiple-little alter in our system, Kiara, definitely shows her little-ness differently than I do. Where I like to do things by myself, but maybe with others nearby, she needs to interact with people to feel like she's 'doing it right'. It's like if they don't see her, she's not really out. We share a room, and it's mostly Legos, but she has a lot of stuffies and things that she can play with with people. She likes to color together, or play with kinetic sand, or have them read to her. She also likes to dress for people to pay attention to her with bright loud clothes, and I like to wear hoodies and not draw attention to myself. 

Some of the kink-little age players I know just want to put on a diaper, watch cartoons with a sippy cup in hand, and maybe snuggle on the couch. Others are like Kiara, and need to aggressively BE little. Some are very bratty in little-space, but others are cuddly and quiet. Some are little in relation to a Big or other Little with them, and others are like me and just need time to be themselves. 

  • So maybe some ageplay is about interacting with people in a more direct way without all the social rules adults have to follow.

It seems like props are pretty important to lots of Littles. Pacis, blankies, stuffies, coloring supplies, littles' outfits and/or diapers, and toys. 

  • So maybe some ageplay is about getting the toys and stuff you aren't supposed to want as an adult, just because you want them.

And it seems to me that people doing ageplay often include 'breaking the rules' as part of their ageplay. Like of course I want to have ice cream before dinner. And as an adult, maybe would make themselves wait, or even don't get the ice cream at all. But as a little, they can be sneaky and get the ice cream or ask their Big for permission. 

  • So maybe some ageplay is about letting yourself relax the rules and maybe be a little selfish instead of being responsible all the time. 

T is for Teach
Share everything you’ve done above with other scouts, a friend, or someone else interested in ageplay. If they are already an ageplayer, teach them about how you ageplay, what you’ve learned from it, and the resources that you’ve found helpful. If they aren’t an ageplayer, teach them about what ageplay means to you.

One of the places I share about Littles kinds of things I do is this blog ( or my brick-build blog ( And of course, there's lots of sharing together when we get together for Little Scouts!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

COMPLETE - Party Animal Patch

Party Animal Patch

Designed by:     Paul & Karissa
Order Info:     Amazon B071KNH4WQ
Associated Costs:     $4 for patch, door fee for parties

The Mark regularly has Littles’ Play Date parties. Attend two of these to earn this patch.

Plan It
Watch the CPI/The Mark calendar for the next Littles’ Play Date at The Mark to come up. And the one after that. Plan out what you’re going to wear, and what you’ll bring. Decide which of the ‘Do It’ activities you’ll complete. Be sure to RSVP.

The first Littles' Play Date I attended was Friday February 22. Kiara came out for the first half, then we changed clothes for me to attend the second half. We both RSVP'd as 'maybe' so we'd count for half each .

Our second Littles' Play Date was Friday May 24. We did the same switch-off this time; Kiara came out for the first half, then we switched about halfway through so we both got to have a good time.
Do It
Attend at least TWO Littles’ Play Dates at The Mark. At each one, do at least TWO of the following:

- Take a picture of your outfit for the party.

- Take a friend to the party with you (your Big or a stuffie counts)
2/22/19 - Well, we took turns with Kiara - but we also took Boss and our metamour with us. And Kiara took a stuffie. And I took a stuffie, too!
5/24/19 - Boss went with us this time; and of course Kiara. We didn't take stuffies this time because we were already taking a bunch of other stuff.

- Bring a tasty treat to the party to share
2/22/19 - We brought a box of Reese's Cereal and a box of Nilla Wafers. Kiara had a cup of the cereal, but the Nilla Wafers didn't get opened. And that means that they get to be out at other Play Parties soon!

- Participate in one or more activities happening at the party.
5/24/19 - The Egg Hunt was the big activity for this one, but Kiara got to do this one because I did the Egg Hunt with the Little Scouts troop. But I did make slime at the slime table later on.

- Volunteer to help. Either contact the party host in advance, or look for an opportunity to help while you’re there.
2/22/19 - Some melted ice cream got spilled on the floor as someone was taking the box it was in outside. We cleaned it up before they got back in!

- Make a new friend at the party. Be sure to learn their name (and their FetLife name).
Share It
After each Play Date Party, journal about the great time you had. If you took any pictures, share them. Send the party host a thank-you message, or post something on the party discussion thread.

2/22/19 - We posted this thank-you on the group discussion page.

5/24/19 - We posted a thank-you on the discussion page this time, too.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

COMPLETE - Hanky Code Patch

Hanky Code Patch

Designed by: Paul

Order Info: Advantage Emblem Q-0028

Associated Costs: $2 for patch, cost of bandana(s)

Plan It

Learn about the Hanky Code, it’s history, and how it was used. What colors do you flag? On what side?
The Hanky Code was used by gay men in leather bars to quickly advertise what kind of play they were into. A handkerchief in the back pocket indicates, by color and position, what a guy's interested in for the night - specifically right then, which is key. Left pocket for tops, right pocket for bottoms. For instance, a man wearing a light blue flag in his left pocket wants someone to give him a blow-job. A man wearing a gray hanky in his right pocket is hoping to get tied up. A hanky tied around the neck indicates top or bottom interest, or he could wear one on each side.

For a while, I've been interested in flagging. Because I'm gay, and I do leather, and I go to the kink club, but I don't participate in most aspects of BDSM, that raised the question of what I do participate in. Which eventually led me to flagging. There are options in BDSM that aren't 'hit people' and 'have sex'. For me, personally, I flag light blue on the right - I am willing to give blow-jobs. 

After I started thinking a lot about flagging, and even doing so on the rare occasions I'm out at the club, M started thinking more about it - here's the writing she made about it - There are several sites linked at the bottom of that which were used for reference. The big girls flag several colors I don't, which is an awesome thing about flags. If we switch alters, we can add or remove flags easily.

Do It

Get at least one bandana, and wear it out to at least one kink-friendly event as a flag. Journal about how you felt about this. Did anyone notice and comment on your hanky? Did you draw it to anyone’s attention?

I do wear a light blue hanky when I'm out, especially if I'm feeling brave and hoping maybe someone will approach me. It makes me really nervous and embarrasses me to feel like I'm 'cruising' - which also is one of my kinks, so just wearing it gives me lots of feelings. It's been noticed a couple of times, but nobody's ever taken me up on it. There's one person at the club that M's talked about flagging with, and he notices and comments. Mercury, of course, notices and comments, too, but in 'host mode', not like he's ever gonna take someone up on it.
Share It

Share your journalled answers with a friend or with the troop, either in person or online. Will you be flagging again? Do you have any thoughts you’d like to share about flagging?

M's taken action on this, deciding to make some special-to-us flags that can be clipped onto clothes - especially our kilt - instead of tucked into pockets, since we often don't have pockets. She's bought a bunch of hankies in colors that one or another of us flag and made them into little clip-on things that we can add and remove based on who's out and their mood. I'll definitely wear one when I'm out. They also got me, for Christmas, a keychain with a teddy-bear on it that can be clipped, as well. Because I do like the bears...

I'd really like to see flagging come back into style at the club - it would be cool to see what people are advertising. And in the last couple of years there's so many people in and out that don't know each other, I think it would really help generate some play for those that want to do it. It's neat to look at, and it's an easy conversation-starter.

Here's the flags M's made for this, that various of us might wear at some point:

Houndstooth - biting (left, right, and a neckscarf for both)
Dark Gray - bondage (left & right)
Light Blue - blow-jobs (left & right)
Black - impact play (left & right)
Fuschia - spanking (left & right)
Red - fisting (right)
Dark Blue - sex (right)
Dark Pink - boob torture (right)
Teddy Bear - bears/cuddling (right)

Saturday, January 5, 2019

My Little Scouts Sash

A year ago, I took a picture of my sash and all the awards I had earned on it. Here's the picture from January 2018:

And here's a new picture from January 2019, showing some progress I've made. I still have two patches that I've earned but haven't yet received to put on there: