Polyamory Badge
1. Explore. Make a list of polyamory-related terms you encounter as you work on this badge. Find definitions of each and list them here. Some to be sure to include: ethical non-monogamy, polycule, metamour, unicorn, hierarchy, primary, secondary, triad, quad, compersion, fluid-bonded, comet.
- ethical non-monogamy - a relationship style in which everyone involved agrees that each person may have emotional and/or physical relationships with multiple people. This is an umbrella term that encompasses anything from swinging to polyamorous marriages.
- polycule (intimate network, tribe) - a network of connected non-monogamous relationships. This can get very complicated as each connection may add multiple new connections
- metamour (lover-in-law, other-significant-other/OSO) - the partner of one's partner, with whom one does not share a direct sexual or loving relationship
- unicorn - a (usually hypothetical) bisexual woman who is willing to date both members of an existing couple in an exclusive relationship with the couple rather than with the two individuals and may move in with the couple
- hierarchy/primary/secondary - a relationship structure where partners are not considered equal in rights, permissions, or responsibilities, the primary having greater influence in relationship matters
- triad or vee/pivot - a polyamorous relationship involving three people. When all three people are sexually and emotionally involved with each other, the term triad is common. When two people are each involved with the third, but not with each other, the term vee is more often used.
- quad - a polyamorous relationship involving four people, each of whom may or may not be sexually and emotionally involved with all the other members. Often formed by combining two couples.
- compersion - a feeling of joy when a partner takes pleasure from another romantic or sexual relationship - the opposite of jealousy
- frubble - a feeling of pleasure arising from seeing one's partner with another person
- wibble - a feeling of insecurity when seeing a partner being affectionate with another person, typically temporary
- fluid-bonding - an agreement limiting with whom bodily fluids may be shared. Those who are fluid-bonded have been exposed to one's sexual fluids, blood, saliva, etc. Others must use protection if they are not to become fluid-bonded to the group of people who are.
- comet - a lover who passes through semi-regularly, but occasionally enough that there is not continuity
- new relationship energy (NRE) - the strong excitement and infatuation common in the beginning of any new romantic relationship
- polyfidelity - a multiple relationship which does not permit the members to seek additional partners outside the relationship
- domestic group - the group of people who live together in some relationship structure and share a household and group property
- one-penis policy - an arrangement in which the man is allowed to have multiple female partners, each of whom is allowed to have sex with other women but forbidden to have any other male partner
- open marriage/relationship - a relationship in which one or both partners is permitted to have outside romantic and/or sexual relationships. If only outside sexual relationships are permitted, there may be an expectation of avoiding romantic entanglements
- polywog - a child in a polyamorous household
2. World. Find out about cultures where polyamory is practiced. How are they different from one another? From the culture you grew up in?
- In more ancient times, having multiple wives and/or concubines was frequently practiced by wealthier folk and royalty. Ancient Mesopotamia, Assyria, Ancient Egypt, Muslim Africa, Old-Testament Bibilical, Ancient Hinduism.
- In current times, polygyny (many wives) is allowed under Islamic law, as long as the husband can support his (up to four) wives. Malaysia is one of the countries where this is legal.
- Polyandry (many husbands) was once very common in Nepal and Tibet, less so today. For poor farmers, having more than one male in the family makes farming easier. Sometimes the husbands are brothers sharing a wife.
- 'Walking marriages' in China are the equivalent of sexually open marriages. And polyamorous relationship are becoming more and more common in the US and other first-world countries, though poly marriages are not legal.
- "From 1960-1980, the Ethnographic Atlas Codebook derived from George P. Murdock's Ethnographic Atlas recorded the marital composition of 1231 societies. Of these societies, 186 societies were monogamous. 453 had occasional polygyny, 588 had more frequent polygyny, and 4 had polyandry. That's right ... 85% of the world's population included some form of polygamy."
- "As of 2006, Indian marriage laws are dependent upon the religion of the people involved. Hindu marriage laws specifically prohibit polygamy for Hindu, Jains, and Sikhs. However, Muslims in India are allowed to have multiple wives."
- We grew up in a culture where monogamous marriage was the only option we were even aware of. Everything we learned about being poly came up after we were middle-aged,even, and came about from being involved with the kink community.
3. Community. Go to a meeting of a poly-oriented group and/or join and participate in one or more polyamory groups on Fet. Get to know other polyamorous people.
- We've been to a couple of meetings of ManyLoves at The Mark, and may go to more. MM is a member of the ManyLoves and Practicing Polyamory groups on Fet. We used to attend a local poly-munch that is no longer active.
At the November ManyLoves meeting, we created a list of resources. Here are some of the ones I noted down. All of the resources mentioned are available on the FetLife group for ManyLoves.
- Movies: Professor Marsden and the Wonder Women; Under the Tuscan Sun; The Bonobo Movie
- Books: The Hidden Life of Wonder Woman; More Than Two; The Ethical Slut; Ask me About Polyamory - the Best of Kimchi Cuddles
- Online video - Sexplanations/Polyamory (https://youtu.be/0VKGRrOzMDg)
4. Self. What does your style of polyamory look like? If you are in a poly relationship, discuss with your partners what your poly looks like. If you are not in a poly relationship, journal about how you would like a polyamorous relationship including you to be like.
- If you take both our system and Boss's system as single individuals, we are currently in a vee relationship, but would like that to be a zee/N relationship (and it has been before). He currently has a secondary relationship, but we do not.
- If you take each alter as an individual, we have an incredible mesh of relationships between his alters, our alters, and the outside relationship he currently has.
5. Create. Create something that visualizes what your poly relationship looks like. In some way indicate roles and responsibilities of each person. If you aren't in a poly relationship, then imagine a goal relationship. Draw a diagram or get more creative.
- I made a slideshow presentation about how our polycule has evolved.
6. Advocate. Join an organization that is polyamory-positive. Or research polyamory issues on your own and write a letter or email to a lawmaker about those issues.
- We have already joined NCSF and are lifetime members of The Mark.
7. Benevolence. Give a gift to a metamour, if you have one, to show support of them in your relationship. If you don't have a metamour, give gifts to people you know in a poly relationship.
- We recently gave our metamour a silicone baking pan. She was sad that hers had gotten left somewhere and not returned, so we bought another one for her. Now she can make brownies for us all!
8. Diligence. What are some rules that your poly relationship follows together? Or rules you would expect to have in a poly relationship?
- We have condom rules. We have an agreement to discuss with each other when new steps are being taken in physical or romantic relationships. Overnight guests are generally limited to once a week, but they correspond to an 'open date' night where secondaries get the focus.
9. Selflessness. It's important to recognize that it's a good thing for your partner can enjoy themselves without you there. Plan a date night for your partner and metamour, or two or more partners, that doesn't include you. If you aren't in a poly relationship, plan a nice evening (that doesn't include you) for someone you care about.
- One night Boss and his girlfriend wanted to go see a movie. We met them at the theater and bought a ticket for her with our MoviePass card, and then we went home for a bath while they saw the movie. Everyone had a good time.
10. Mentorship. Create a list of relationship advice for people in poly relationships - especially those new to polyamory.
- MM has already created a writing on FL about this - https://fetlife.com/users/120724/posts/3296999
- For my advice personally, I'd say to be sure to be a full person all yourself, with or without your partner around. And then when they are around they add to you, but you don't flounder when they aren't. Second, work at your relationship with your metamour. You have to decide to make it work. And third, talk about it. Talk with your partner(s) and your metamour(s) about all the things that are good and bad and what's going on.
Love Infinity Patch - https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07365GQ8Q/